UC lure bandits out

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This is a new option available with Useful Companions to deal with bandit hideouts. It allows the player to weaken bandit groups or force some out to fight his party.

How to use[edit]

On certain conditions you should have a new option showing up in the hideout menu, Try to lure bandits out. To have this option show up you need :

  • first to have hideout_lure in the configuration set to true,
  • secondly there must be inside the hideout 2 parties and more than 17 troops or more than 3 parties and more than 21 troops.

Since the menu is localized, the option will be named differently depending on the translation you have installer for your language.

How it works[edit]

UC will use your Scout and Engineer relevant skills, how many parties and troops are in the hideout to calculate a score that will determine the outcome of the action. Possible outcomes are :

  • force a party of bandits to exit the hideout and engage your army,
  • have random troops in the hideout killed or wounded,
  • the bandit army attacks your party (except the boss party),
  • nothing.

The more your party have a high roguery and engineering skill the best are your chance of success, if your engineer is different from your main hero you have a bonus equal to 10% of your main hero engineering skill added to the score. You also get a score boost for really large groups of bandits inside the hideout, while on the contrary it's harder to score a success if the main hero level is high and the more troops and prisoner in the party.


You have a chance the action have no effect at all and you simply spent time trying to lure them out for nothing, giving you the message But nobody moves from inside the hideout., in this case your companions earn no experience and nothing have changed inside the hideout. If your party is too weak and your action score is too low, the whole bandit army except the boss party will attack your army, resulting in a classical army vs army fight. This is likely to happen if the bandit troops inside the hideout are superior to your number of troops + your main hero level. If this happens your engineer will earn 2 experience in engineering skill for each bandit attacking. In any other case the engineer will earn 5 experience in engineering skill for each wounded bandit or each one that is lured out, the scout will earn 2 experience in roguery for each bandit lured out.

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