UC experience gain expanded

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This is the original and first goal of Useful companions, allow heroes to earn experience to level skills they weren't allowed to improve in the main game.

Daily XP[edit]

This is the first way for heroes to earn XP, each day (on daily tick) a routine will be triggered to award them some experience depending on their role and various parameter detailed down.

Party roles[edit]

  • Scouts earns Roguery xp equal to the number of prisoners in the party multiplied by 2
  • Surgeon earns Steward xp equal to the number of pack animals in the party divided by 2
  • Quarter master earns Charm xp equal to the number of moral points over 65 multiplied by 2

Caravan masters[edit]

  • Earns Steward xp equal to the number of non hero members multiplied by 2
  • Earns Scouting xp equal to 10


  • Earns Trade xp equal to the trade tax of the day divided by 10 if the settlement is a city
  • Earns Engineering xp equal to 25 if the settlement is a city, 12 if it's a castle
  • Earns Charm xp equal to the settlement loyalty divided by 2
  • Earns Leadership xp equal to the number of troops in garrison divided by 5
  • Earn Steward xp equal to the prosperity change in settlement multiplied by 5, added to the number of bound settlement multiplied by 5
  • Earns randomly some xp in the 6 battle skills depending on the number of milita with a minimum of 10 points

Special Tasks[edit]

Autobuy Food[edit]

Prisoner recruiting[edit]

Get notables support[edit]

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